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mySUN is an eco-conscious app that tracks and suggests improvements to usersnature footprint, encouraging sustainable daily choices through automated activity.


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What is mySUN?

mySUN is a dynamic app designed to help users reduce their environmental and carbon footprint through simple daily actions in their living, working, and recreational spaces. It tracks and compares your footprint against peers, rewarding points and awards for improvements. Combining automatic activity tracking with user input, mySUN provides daily personalized tips for living more sustainably and boosting your score.

Moreover, mySUN values personal wellness, integrating health into its sustainability goals. It offers a holistic sustainability journey that promotes both eco-friendly habits and personal well-being, making environmental responsibility both beneficial and enjoyable for its users.

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People tracking and improving their carbon footprint


Offices competing in CSR-driven carbon reduction


Campuses fostering sustainability and wellness

High Schools

Schools instilling eco-consciousness in students


Governments leading city sustainability initiatives

Hospitality Sector

Properties engaging guests in green practices


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Corporate ESG

Firms can brand mySUN for ESG engagement and employee participation in sustainability

University Programs

Institutions can tailor mySUN for campus-wide eco-initiatives and student engagement

Municipal Challenges

Cities can deploy mySUN for public sustainability competitions

Corporate Wellness

Companies can incorporate mySUN into programs promoting health and eco-awareness

Use Cases

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